The problem
If you specified the wrong email address, or mistyped it, when registering for a forum account (e.g.,, you won't receive the confirmation email to activate your MacRumors account, even though you are logged in.
If you use the Contact form to ask us for help, our emailed reply won't get to you because it will automatically go to the email address associated with your account.
The solution
Log out of your MacRumors account before using the Contact form. You'll have to pass the captcha test, but you'll be able to fill in the correct email address. Tell us your account name, the incorrect email address associated with your account, and confirm the correct email address, so we can correct it for you.
Just in case
If you have problems following this procedure, email You may not get a response as promptly as when you use the Contact form, but we'll still be able to help you.
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